Roasted Peppers

This just might be the simplest thing you’ll ever see on a food blog.  But they are so flavorful and you can use them in such a variety of ways that once you make them you may just always want to have them in your fridge. I add them to sandwiches, quesadillas and, just like my grandmother did, love to eat them piled on a fresh-cut slice of French bread with a piece of Provolone cheese. Add a glass of wine and call it “dinner.”


Preheat oven to 250 degrees

6-8 Bell peppers, a variety of red, yellow and green works well

Extra virgin olive oil

Core and seed the peppers.  Slice the peppers fairly thin and arrange them on a baking sheet in a single layer.  Drizzle with olive oil and bake for a total of approximately 2 to 2 1/2 hours, stirring every 30 minutes or so.  Peppers will be slightly shriveled and darkened when done.  Salt and pepper to taste.  If you wash the peppers just before slicing, be sure to DRY them completely before putting them on the baking sheet or they will end up “steaming” in the oven.


Kool Aid Play Dough

Kool-Aid Play Dough

My grandmother made this recipe for my daughters often when they would sleep over at her house.  She’d make it for them and then they’d sit for hours at her kitchen counter, with rolling pins and all of her cookie cutters at their disposal, happily chatting away to her as they rolled this out over and over, cutting out their favorite shapes.  This recipe not only smells great, but has the added advantage of being completely non-toxic, in case your little one decides to take a taste (as little ones are known to do!).  I’ve pulled it out now because one of my girls, working her way through college as a nanny, asked me for it so she can make it for the kids she watches a few days every week. This is one recipe that simply builds its own memories.  


                                                                    Kool-aid® Playdough


3 cups flour

½ cup salt

2 packages unsweetened Kool-Aid

2 cups boiling water

3 Tbls vegetable oil


Mix dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl.   Carefully add the hot water and stir with a large  spoon until all is moistened.  Knead the oil in to the mix as soon as it’s cool enough to handle. Continue to knead until the dough is completely smooth.  Store in zip-loc bags or Tupperware.  

